"Possibilities" Original oil painting, unframed, 6" X 6"
There is nothing like looking at the clock in the studio at 6pm on Dec. 31st and realizing there is a painting due the next morning for Leslie Saeta's "30 Paintings in 30 Days" Challenge! Well, I did have 5 panels prepared and a few more partially prepared, so I have a few days to flesh them out. Meanwhile, I hadn't even looked at my reference materials to begin to choose one painting, let alone 30!
New beginnings for the new year seemed to say........"eggs". Eggs are a new beginning, whether as life or as breakfast, so........eggs it is then! "Possibilities" was painted in quick time, but I am very happy with the result. There was a lot of play back and forth between brush and palette knife and between warms and cools to find a balance I could love.
Tomorrow I must spend some time prepping the rest of my panels. Don't you think that might be a good idea?!