Saturday, January 12, 2013


"Apalachicola Dawn"  Original Oil Painting  6" X 6"

This is the dawn which greeted us in September when I attended the plein-aire workshop, hosted by the Apalachicola Center for History, Culture and Art, and presented by members of PAP-SE.  We had 6 phenomenal instructors for the three day period and this photo was taken on day one, as we had our breakfast at the Oyster docks.

I can't imagine finding any workshop anywhere to rival this one, and, although I waffled about attending for a month, I am so glad I went!  Bonus:  I met a facebook friend, Laura Pace.  Please take a moment to visit her blog and leave a comment.  I purchased her painting which you can view there, "Old Tin Warehouse", as a memento of our time together.

The first day's instructors set the groundwork for the entire workshop and I have to say Dawn Whitelaw and Anne Blair Brown created a wonderful, balanced presentation and demo.  On day two, we were treated to demo's and instruction by Kevin Menck and Perry Austin.  If I hadn't seen Kevin paint that 9" X 12" demo with that tiny #1 round brush in less than 2 hrs, I would not have believed it!  Day three we moved to St. George Island and painted at the lighthouse, with instructors James Richards and Lori Putnam.

Any one of these artist/instructors would have been worth the trip, but having all six in one workshop was a rare and delightful learning experience!

1 comment:

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

First, I love the title - then there's the gorgeous color...what a fantastic painting!

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