Friday, October 23, 2009

The ART Lounge Gallery Grand Opening on Nov. 6 from 6PM-10PM features artwork by 9 local artists, who founded the first co-op art gallery in Plant City, Fl.  Mark your calendars and join us for an evening of fine art, music, door prizes, and a painting offered for silent auction painted by Anna Alepin.  Light refreshments will be available.  Among the original new artwork exhibited will be 50 Paintings Under $50, including the 8X10 oil painting posted here.  Don't miss this event! 

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm actually in you ever have calls for shows? I am a mixed media artist and just found out about you all by searching 'gallery' plus 'plant city'. i love downtown plant city and think you're doing something really great.

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